Saturday, 14 February 2015

Last Minute Valentine Gift for Him?

Are you kidding me ladies?

It's Valentine's Day and you haven't bought him a gift? No problems. Following these easy steps:

Step one: Take off your clothes
Step two: Let him do the rest

Did I tell you the steps were easy?

Need a little inspiration or want to inspire him? Don't bother with the Fifty Shades film, go straight to the dirty stuff.

You might call it erotica, he calls it porn and he's not that fussy. Here is a quick fix to get you and him or her going. Get it free at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords or just read it here.

Thank god for the simplicity of men. Gotta love them

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Top Five Valentine Gifts for Her

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Sunday, 1 February 2015

Victoria Secret Super Bowl XLIX Commerical

Super Bowl XLIX is only hours away and if there is anything that we look forward to more than a bunch of big guys in tight pants running around and grabbing one another (I am getting hot just thinking about it), it is the commercials. A frenzy of shopping opportunities in a million dollar time slot.

One of our favorites (as you can tell from the last video) is Victoria Secret.

Victoria Secret is up in the 4th quarter commercial slot, but why wait for the 4th quarter. Why worry about getting that extra beer and missing it. Just watch it now.