Thursday, 31 December 2015

Happy New Year

Thanks for a great year of cheerleader scandal.

Have a sexy 2016 xox

Check out some delinquent cheerleaders for 2016

Shelley's Hot Tub Threesome Extract

Free Penalties in the Locker Room erotic ebook

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Cheerleader Scandal: Uni of Indiana

A girl from the University of Indiana cheerleading team has taken nude photos of herself. In other news, the sky is "blue" and water is "wet." I know... I know.

So her ex boyfriend posted a number of these pictures on the internet. I know, another douche bag ex-boyfriend. What can you say? Except the same old lesson:


However, bottom line is she is pretty sexy, the guy was a douche bag, so better off without him.

Everything aside, lets look at some naked pictures of a hot cheerleader.

 Just in case you are interested, here are here cheerleading pictures.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Cheerleader Hardcore: Asian Cheerleader Cavity Search 6

Hardcore Review Warning: the following is a review of a hardcore film. If you are offended by frank discussion of pornography what the hell are you doing here. Please do not read any further. Have a nice day.

If we can put aside the absurdity of the title for a moment can we just notice that this is the 6th volume. There have been five other editions of the series prior to this one. Five! And now returning to the title. Asian Cheerleader Cavity Search. 

And what does that mean? Some kind of gyno film? No. They are Asian wearing approximations to cheerleader outfits and they get fucked. Sometimes it feels like the titles of porn films just don't live up to the hype.

The fifth title in the series is doing everything the other four did with four scenes of all out hardcore. These girls are getting attention everywhere from a number of guys. It might be light on story, but it gets down to the action pretty quick.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Last Minute Sexy Halloween Costumes

"Halloween, again, so soon? But I haven't got a costume!"

I know, I know October 31st comes as a surprise to us all, but here it is with its demand for adult dress-up. You can do it any day of the year, but somehow Halloween makes it ok. Wiat a minute. Isn't Halloween tomorrow?

Yes it is, which means there is not time to wait six weeks for your costume to be posted from Hong Kong. So, here is you run down of last minutes sexy Halloween costumes, because if you are going to dress-up you better make is sexy (unless kids are involved).

Playboy Bunny

Sexy factor: Playboy might not be publishing nude pictures, but the bunnies are still sexy.
What you need: black swimsuit or bikini, black fishnets, heels and bunny ears.

Risky Business

Sexy Factor: Apart from running around in your underwear, there is the whole having sex on a train element. Sex on train not recommended, unless you are having a great night and can get rid of the tramp.
What you need: A white shirt, socks, sunglasses and underwear.


Sexy Factor: Go proper Dukes of Hazard or don't tie that shirt so tight. The choice is yours. Go wild on the range or get yourself a good cow poke.
What you need: Denim shorts, white or check shirt, cowboy hat and boots.




 Eighties Workout

Sexy Factor: Go as risky as you dare. It is time to bring out that g-string body if you dare. It is time to get physical.
What you need: leg warmers, work out gear in bright colors.

Victoria Secret Model

Sexy Factor: Be the joy of every young boy casting sideways looks into the store in the mall and all those men who are still a little embarrassed and slightly excited to go in there.
What you need: An underwear set, heels, wings, a Victorian secret bag (I got to keep my phone somewhere).


Sexy Factor: Take your pick. Be the submissive schoolgirl that needs to be punished or the sexy Milf dealing out a little punishment with the ruler.
What you need: A white shirt, short skirt, heels. Got any glasses?

 50 Shades of Grey

Sexy Factor: Err, there was a book. I think it was sexy. I don't remember.
What you need: Takes this one literally and wear different shades of grey or get a grey tie and pull out those handcuffs and blindfold for special occasions. You can decide what to do with the Ben Wa balls.

What is our favorite? Isn't it the same as always? You bet...


Sexy Factor: Hello, what is the point of a cheerleader if she isn't sexy?
What you need: a cheerleader costume or a pair of pompoms and a lots of cheering.

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Delinquent Review: Backwoods Bound

Erotica Review: Backwoods Bound by Coyote Rose

After being sent to check an insurance claim in the middle if nowhere Chilton finds herself at the mercy of three backwoods men.Greeted by a rugged man with a rifle, Chiltern who earned the nickname Barnie at school because if her slim physique ends up blindfolded and tied up in a barn. As night falls, the three men, a father in his fifties and his two sons have their way with Chiltern.

This is rough and ready erotica bordering on the brutal Coyote Rose (love the name by the way) manages to add an element of sensitivity to the situation. Now don't get me wrong, bad things happen to Chiltern. Just some if those bad things are a little sexy. Chiltern gets a kick out if it and there is even the sense that she learns about herself as a result. 

Backwoods Bound is not for you lovers of paranormal romance. If you go into the woods these backwoods men will give you a surprise and if you read this story get ready for some nasty sex.
Get it here on Amazon US or Amazon UK.  Catch up with 01society on Twitter @007mjo or check out the website with lots of dirty stories. - See more at:
Get it here on Amazon US or Amazon UK.  Catch up with 01society on Twitter @007mjo or check out the website with lots of dirty stories. - See more at:

Get it here on Amazon US or Amazon UK.  Catch up with Coyote Rose at Buttonfly Books.

Get it here on Amazon US or Amazon UK.  Catch up with 01society on Twitter @007mjo or check out the website with lots of dirty stories. - See more at:

Monday, 17 August 2015

Cheerleader Scandals: North Carolina Lesbians

Now here are a couple of cheerleader with some sense. Two Carolina Panther cheerleaders or Top Cats, as they liked to be called, waited until they were out of state to get into scandalous behavior. When Carolina played Tampa Florida they went along for the ride and got up to some lurid public behavior. If you didn’t know, Tampa is a little notorious for sexual deviance. They have a real reputation over there for tittie bars and swinger clubs. Why do you think they have their own NFL team? You might want to check it out. The tittie bars and swinger club, not the NFL team.

Back to these two Caroline Panther cheerleaders, let’s call them Angela Keathley and Victoria Renee Thomas, because that were their names. They head down to Tampa and a little bar, now closed down, called Banana Joe’s. They have been on road but aren't with the team, so no hotel rooms. If you are getting a little hot and bothered without a hotel room, what do you do? You guessed it, head to the bathroom. You know how things get when girls go to the bathroom together, often hot and heavy and then we are having sex. Apparently the moaning and groaning of two lesbian cheerleaders in the bathroom of a bar isn’t for everyone. Apparently someone actually needed to go to the bathroom…how inconsiderate.

Once they made it out of the bathroom there was some name calling. ‘Bitches,’ ‘whores,’ that kind of thing. Obviously not sports fans. One of the cheerleaders punched a woman and a lesbian bathroom scene turns into a bitch fight. And then someone called the cops. This cheerleaders didn’t like that and in addition to disorderly conduct they also got an obstructing justice charge and they gave fake names.

The end result was the Top Cats kicked them off the squad. They weren't performing on the filed in Tampa (or anywhere since) but it didn't stop them from performing in the bathroom. Lesbian antics in a bathroom and bitch fights, way to support the team girls.

Go Panthers!!! 

Check out some other Cheerleader Scandals:
ASU and Tuskegee Cheerleader Catfight
Texas Fab 5 make Girls Gone Wild Video
Caitlin Davis gets Fresh with her Drunk Friend

Dating a Cheerleader or Maybe Two

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Delinquent Review: Gender Bender Surrender by BJ Slippy

Erotica Review: Gender Bender Surrender by BJ Slippy

Gender Bender Surrender tells a familiar story of a rich prick taught the error of his way. Used to throwing around his cash and buying sex rather than treating women with any reverence or respects, the main character is taught a useful lesson when he rolls into The Witch’s Nips. If arriving at a strip at 6pm on a Monday wasn’t desperate enough, this guy learns the meaning of the word desperate when he encounters the owner of the club. She is a full-on witch and she doesn’t like him.

The story is subtitled Gender Swap Transformation Erotica, so it is pretty obvious what happens when the guy gets on the bad side of the witch. What is less obvious and great fun is what the witch makes him do afterwards. This guy leads a lesson in humility and gives us all a great time.

Find Gender Bender Surrender (and other BJ Slippy stories) here on Amazon US or Amazon UK.   Catch up with BJ Slippy on Twitter @bjslippy or check out the Facebook page.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Delinquent Review: Oorah! by Saharah Shae

Montana and Starr are a couple of horny 18 year olds looking to hook up with a divorced Sergeant Major. These two are fresh out High School and are doing their national service with a two girl seduction team-up. Sergeant Major Young has had a tough time and deserves the attention this blonde and brunette are determined to provide.

When Montana and Starr come over to babysit Sergeant Major Young's son, they have a plan that involved nudity and some late night double teaming. While Young goes out on  bachelor party, Montana and Starr take care of Young's son and get ready to take care of Young. After a night of strippers, Young is showing no signs of fatigue and is ready to engage with some friendly fire that Montana and Starr are going to enjoy.

The first in a series of stories. Oorah! provides a satisfying story with a couple of hot and heavy scenes. Everything from the cover to the last sentence is going to give you an all-American patriotic hard -on. Who could ask for more?

If you are looking for teen babysitter action with a little military flavor, go straight to Amazon US or Amazon UK and pick up this little jewel of a story. Follow Saharah Shae @SaharahShae.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Delinquent Review: Pool Shark and Other Femdom Stories

Delinquent Review: Pool Shark and Other Femdom Stories

M.V.Gaius is dishing up some sex crazed hunks with a huge helping of femdom. This is femdom at its best and most extreme. Forget those one story publications costing you 3 or 4 bucks. This is value for money that is going to get you hornier than hell.

A great collection of stories, Pool Shark and Other Femdom Stories serves up a massive helping of male vanity justly punished. A great cast of male characters manipulate and exploit women only to find themselves on the receiving end of some femdom retribution.

Tom is a pool shark who hustles a girl out of her clothes only to find himself stacked up against an entire sorority. What could be better? When Tom loses he becomes a naked slave boy. In 'One Pump Chump' Desiree, a wealthy and sexy stripclub owner, buys the life of a good looking guy and gets her money out of his submission. 'The Prankster' is a change of pace, with a girlfriend with supernatural powers inflicting some serious consequences on her boyfriend.

The collection ends with a bang for you, but Steve the erstwhile protagonist of 'Steve's One Night Stand' is at the short end of a chastity device and a cruel mistress who turns a one night stand player into a submissive bitch. Gaius writes the story beautifully, giving you all the intensity of Steve's submission while leaving your hands free to get yourself off.

If you are looking for great Femdom action, look no further. Get Pool Shark and Other Stories here at Amazon US or Amazon UK. Catch up with M.V. Gaius and his great book covers at his blog Femdom Stories or follow him on twitter @mvgaius. Don't delay or mistress will be displeased.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Cheerleader Scandal: Courtney Simpson

Once again we return to Arizona, cheerleader scandal capital of the world. This time we have a cheerleader who, having quit the squad (apparently) took her Arizona State Sun Devils uniform and went and made a porn film.

After a few nude pictures and a small oral sex pictures, Cory Heart became Courtney Simpson to engage in full sex, no holes barred (if you know what I mean) with two guys while wearing her official Sun Devils cheerleader uniform. Classical Arizona State.

Arizona State University looked into making a legal claim for, get this trademark infringement and intellectual property. Let me just say that again intellectual property associated with the wearing a cheerleader uniform in a porn film. Hell, isn’t that the point, there is no intellectual property in this situation. The controversy didn’t hurt Courtney Simpson’s career when she retired a couple of years later she had made over 250 films. Maybe the uniform didn’t fit any more. 
Courtney Simpson did suggest she was going to go back to school and get her degree. I don’t think ASU are going to have you back sweetie. Not unless you seriously dry clear that uniform.

Check out some other Cheerleader Scandals:
ASU and Tuskegee Cheerleader Catfight
Texas Fab 5 make Girls Gone Wild Video
Caitlin Davis gets Fresh with her Drunk Friend
Dating a Cheerleader or Maybe Two

North Carolina Lesbians
Blue Bomber Dirty Pictures