Sunday, 13 April 2014

Cheerleader Scandals: Dating a Cheerleader or Two...

After divorcing his wife, Chris Cooley of the Washington Redskins (also known as Captain Chaos) started dating a Redskins cheerleader. A no-no for players. (I wonder if it's all employees or just the players who can't date the cheerleaders?)

Cooley dates his first cheerleader for a while and then dumps her. Stud Cooley then goes and starts dating a different cheerleader, Christy Oglevee. No wait, Cooley hadn't quite finished dating the first cheerleader before he started dating the second. To add insult to injury, it was the first cheerleader who introduced him to Oglevee.

Both cheerleaders got sacked, but only Oglevee got to tie the knot with Cooley. Well, for four years until they got divorced.

Cooley has his own blog where he 'accidentally' posted a picture of his own penis. Yeah, real accidental Chris. But he also spends time discussing pottery and his top ten hottest Olympians.

Looks like he's in the market for his next sporting partner.

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