Friday, 18 April 2014

Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders "Fantasy" Swimsuit Lip Sync

Already racking up over 200,000 hits on Youtube, the Miami Dolphin Cheerleaders released their swimsuit lip sync for the year. It's a Fantasy, Calvin Harris, Good Vibration and Spice Girl mash-up. Really Spice Girls? How juvenile do they think we are? Ok don't answer that.

What did we think? It was good, but somehow the 2012 Call Me Maybe was better.

If you haven't seen this already you are missing out. If you have seen it already does it not demand another watch?

If you watched it as many times as us (of the 19 million hits racked up on youtube since June 2012 we might have accounted for a few) you'll start to notice that not all cheerleaders are made equal. Some are cute (we're talking about the short haired blonde), some really work it (blonde on the beach at the beginning), some have a great pair (you there standing on the grass) some have got pole dancing experience (yes we are talking about you dirty blonde in the beach hut--I've got a 20 if you've got the time).

Hey, does anybody know their names?

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