Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Delinquent Review: Yours for the Taking

Erotica Review: Yours for the Taking by 01society

A collection of five sexy stories which make for some compelling and very sexy reading. The first story is a encounter between Eloise and M. It is the beginning of a sexy dom/sub relationship that focuses on the perspective of Eloise.

One of the most interesting elements of the story is the changing perspectives. There are a couple with some distance, others give you a female perspective or a male perspective by letting the characters tell the story.

In addition to Eloise, there is also a threesome story, My Wife Mary and the Stranger. The sex is pretty intense on that one and very dirty, just the way I like it.

My personal favorite was The Fantasy House. It was a great idea for a story that provides a little bit of a surreal opportunity to include all manner of sexy situations. Good going.

A couple of the stories, particularly Eloise and the Shoplifter, seem to be setting up for future stories, which suits me find. I think we can expect to more from this author.

Get it here on Amazon US or Amazon UK.  Catch up with 01society on Twitter @007mjo or check out the website with lots of dirty stories.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Cheerleader Scandals: Fab 5 Texas Cheerleaders

It is a story so infamous they have their own nickname and a Lifetime made-for-TV drama. Can you get any more famous?

So, if you haven't seen the film (you can find it on Youtube), the story is this: five Texas high school cheerleaders video themselves getting drunk, buying condoms, messing around with a penis shaped candle etc in an attempt to copy 'Girls Gone Wild.' Who said the media never effected the minds of young people?

The local community were pissed and the principle got fired because, oh I forgot to mention one of the cheerleaders was the daughter of the princple.

What is the saddest part of the story? You could get pictures and video of these debauched cheerleaders online, but now the Lifetime movie has swamped the internet with pictures.

So instead of the actual pictures or video, here is the lame LIfetime poster....sorry.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Naughty Ladies Blog

The Naughty Ladies blog, a place we like to visit for some dirty stories and good reviews, has just reviewed our very own Penalties in the Locker Room. So, no need to take our word for it, head over and hear what Reed James has to say about Penalties in the Locker Room.

Afterwards, stick around, there are other great reviews and some great stories to read.

Naughty Ladies Publication Blog.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014


It seems such a short time ago that we were impressed with 200 followers and now we've made it to 500.

And let me tell you, they are 500 of the messed up, deviant people that we have come across in a long while. Just the way we like them.

So it is a big thank you to our 500 followers and an open invitation, come along and join us for sexy pictures, dirty stories and a whole lot of fun.


Thursday, 15 May 2014

Lisa Goes all the Way to get an A

Lisa has been seen wearing that pleated skirt again. Every time she wears that skirt she does something crazy.

This time it has to involve Professor Woodson (you know the hunky Ed Norton looking professor). Lisa has been behind closed doors with Woodson for far too long. All too much time for your normal teacher/student conference. Have to wait until Lisa gets to practice....

Or just go straight Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Twitter Followers Hit 200!

Now its nothing like those tweeters with thousands of followers, but we hit 200 followers this weekend after a week of getting to grips with twitter.  Well, we say getting to grips, but if we had spent as much time tweeting as we did looking at dirty pictures and following ebook links, we would have probably hit a thousand tweets already. In our defense, there are so many dirty pictures and erotic ebooks, how could we not?

A big thank you to everyone following. If you haven't already checked us out, we are: @ChrisStClaire

Looking forward to tweeting with you real soon.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Delinquent Cheerleader Confessions Now Available

Christie St Claire is your inside girl at Fenton University. There has been a scandal at Fenton University that involved the Cheerleader Squad and a good portion of the board of trusties. Christie St Claire is doing everything she can and a lot of things she shouldn’t to find out what happened.

You shouldn’t really read Christie St Claire’s stories. She is using them to expose the sordid sexual lives of the Fenton University Cheerleader Squad. The stories are personal accounts from cheerleaders about their dirty little lives. If a character is too familiar, then you might just know them. What you won’t know is what they do in secret, and that’s what Christie St Claire will show you.

In Penalties in the Locker Room, Christie is uncovering secrets about the Fenton University Cheerleading Squad. Brittany has a late night meeting that involves ropes and strap-ons. Watch out for the corset wearing dom, she’s got a surprise in store for Brittany.

Available in all your favorite formats at:
Amazon US, Amazon UK (and all other Amazon sites), Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Smashwords

In Misty Showers with the Quarterback, Misty, the captain of the cheerleaders, is looking for scrub down after a heavy workout. When she sneaks into the boy’s locker-room wearing a towel, mules and a peppy smile, she gets more than she expects in the form of a big hunk of athlete.

Available in all your favorite formats at:
Amazon US, Amazon UK (and all other Amazon sites), Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Smashwords

In Ashley’s Sleepover, Ashley is having a difficult time in the locker room—everything she sees is turning her on. Everything changes when Tara wants some alone time with Ashley. After practice, the two girls head back to Ashley’s for a sleepover. It looks like Tara has ideas of her own that involve marshmallows and are guaranteed to give Ashley the night of her life.

Available in all your favorite formats at:
Amazon US, Amazon UK (and all other Amazon sites), Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Smashwords

In Lisa Goes all the Way to Get an A, Lisa is in for a shock when she turns up for her midterm and realizes she is completely unprepared. An impulsive decision and some quick thinking by Lisa means her hot professor is in for a treat.

Available in all your favorite formats at:
Amazon US, Amazon UK (and all other Amazon sites), Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Smashwords

Watch out for more Delinquent Cheerleader Confessions...looks like Prudence has a dirty secret, who knows when everyone is going to find out.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Lisa Goes All the Way to Get an A: Extract

Lisa is in for a shock when she turns up for her midterm and realizes she is completely unprepared. An impulsive decision and some quick thinking by Lisa means her hot professor is in for a treat.

Read an extract of the latest Delinquent Cheerleader Confession: Lisa Goes All the Way to Get an A:

I sit back in my chair, sliding my bum forward to the edge of the smooth wooden seat. I place my hands on my thighs and look up at Professor Woodson. He’s looking at me with a little smile. I bite my lip and give him some sexy eyes. I can feel my boobs rising as I breathe and realize that I am getting really excited.
I look down and can see my pleated skirt held tight between my thighs. The skirt is short so there is not far to go to reach my panties, but I’m going to need to be quick.
I bring my legs together. He appears a little uncomfortable. He shifts in his seat, looks cautiously to the door and then back at me. I’m looking straight at him, waiting for him to look back. Hooking my feet on the bottom bar of the seat, I push against the back of the chair and lift my ass off the seat. Afraid for a moment that I am going to tumble over and get stuck in my desk chair with my panties around my ankles, I move my hands to my hips, slip my thumbs in the sides of my panties and roll them off my ass in one quick movement. My panties reach the top of my thighs and I lower myself back onto the seat, my naked cheeks touch the wooden seat and I can feel my wet pussy released from the confines of my panties.
The next bit is difficult to do without attracting attention. Some of the people in the class have finished and are shifting in their seats, shuffling their papers on their desks. Thankfully there is no one sitting behind me and I am in the row farthest to the right. Keeping my legs together, I swing my feet underneath me and to the right. With a little encouragement, my panties fall to my ankles.
Professor Woodson shifts to his right to keep my panties in view. He stumbles slightly, nearly falling off his chair and attracting the attention of the class. He holds up a silently apologetic hand as I swing my panties off my ankles, onto my desk and under my paper.

Find out what happens when Lisa decides to seduce her professor. Now available at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords and other ebook retailers.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Follow @ChrisStClaire

Keep an eye on the Fenton University Cheerleader Squad on Twitter.

Follow Christie St Claire. She's got her eye on the girls.