Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Delinquent Cheerleader Confessions Now Available

Christie St Claire is your inside girl at Fenton University. There has been a scandal at Fenton University that involved the Cheerleader Squad and a good portion of the board of trusties. Christie St Claire is doing everything she can and a lot of things she shouldn’t to find out what happened.

You shouldn’t really read Christie St Claire’s stories. She is using them to expose the sordid sexual lives of the Fenton University Cheerleader Squad. The stories are personal accounts from cheerleaders about their dirty little lives. If a character is too familiar, then you might just know them. What you won’t know is what they do in secret, and that’s what Christie St Claire will show you.

In Penalties in the Locker Room, Christie is uncovering secrets about the Fenton University Cheerleading Squad. Brittany has a late night meeting that involves ropes and strap-ons. Watch out for the corset wearing dom, she’s got a surprise in store for Brittany.

Available in all your favorite formats at:
Amazon US, Amazon UK (and all other Amazon sites), Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Smashwords

In Misty Showers with the Quarterback, Misty, the captain of the cheerleaders, is looking for scrub down after a heavy workout. When she sneaks into the boy’s locker-room wearing a towel, mules and a peppy smile, she gets more than she expects in the form of a big hunk of athlete.

Available in all your favorite formats at:
Amazon US, Amazon UK (and all other Amazon sites), Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Smashwords

In Ashley’s Sleepover, Ashley is having a difficult time in the locker room—everything she sees is turning her on. Everything changes when Tara wants some alone time with Ashley. After practice, the two girls head back to Ashley’s for a sleepover. It looks like Tara has ideas of her own that involve marshmallows and are guaranteed to give Ashley the night of her life.

Available in all your favorite formats at:
Amazon US, Amazon UK (and all other Amazon sites), Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Smashwords

In Lisa Goes all the Way to Get an A, Lisa is in for a shock when she turns up for her midterm and realizes she is completely unprepared. An impulsive decision and some quick thinking by Lisa means her hot professor is in for a treat.

Available in all your favorite formats at:
Amazon US, Amazon UK (and all other Amazon sites), Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Smashwords

Watch out for more Delinquent Cheerleader Confessions...looks like Prudence has a dirty secret, who knows when everyone is going to find out.

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