Monday, 18 August 2014

Delinquent Review: Melody in Lingerie

Erotica Review: Melody in Lingerie (BDSM Erotica) by Imogen Linn

From now on, if anyone asks you what they should read after Fifty Shades of Grey, your answer should be Imogen Linn's Melody series. 

Fifty Shades was the merely the starter, Melody is your BDSM main course. I don't want to spend too long on Fifty Shades but it always struck me that the seduction wasn't really the right word for what happened. I know half a dozen straight guys who would have happily played with Grey’s Ben Wa balls knowing who he was. The Melody series is different. If you want seduction and BDSM, this is what you need. 

Melody is your shy and retiring type who has a dirty little secret (I love those dirty little secrets), she has a thing for lingerie. My kind of girl. At the weekend, she spends her time shopping for the most scandalous pieces of lingerie to wear underneath her clothes and it is on one weekend trip that everything changes.

Meeting a well dressed, polite older man in the lingerie store, Melody begins an innocent enough relationship that ends in complete seduction with a whole load of kinky BDSM thrown in. The changing booth scene develops into sordid sex. Just the way I like it.

The seduction is played beautifully with the story providing the right balance of the believable and down and dirty fantasy. If you want BDSM and seduction look for Melody. 

Melody in Lingerie is free on Amazon and you can get other Imogen Linn stories here on Amazon US, Amazon UK or Smashwords.   Catch up with Imogen Linn at her blog for great extracts, on Twitter @ImogenLinn or head over to her Good reads page.

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