Monday, 15 December 2014

High Heels Hypnotise Men

A new study published by the Archives of Sexual Behavior (a girl can read porn and scientific journals can’t she?) has revealed that men take more notice of a woman in high heels. Shocker.

Psychology is clearly making leaps forward with this earth shattering discovery.

In four experiments involving over 500 men, the helpfulness of men were judged against different women wearing flat shoes and different women wearing high heels. The results were pretty conclusive. Men were more helpful to a women they did not know if she was wearing high heels and was more likely to approach a woman in a bar if she was wearing high heels.

The author of study has noted that a woman’s appearance can influence a man’s behavior to them. Not that a man’s appearance can change a woman’s behavior towards him. Not at all. We women are not as shallow as to change the way we act if we are faced with a good looking man. No, I’ve never done that, ever, promise (well not yet today).

In an article that for me is related, it was discovered that men are idiots and more prone to risk taking. Does that include approach women with high heels? What else does it include? It’s Christmas, I’ll wear my heels for a stupid risk taking man, especially if he is hunky. What am I say, I am going to wear my heels anyway.

For a condensed version of the high heels study check out Medical News Today.

To find out what a guy would do if a girl had been a cheerleader, check out the Delinquent Cheerleaders.

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