Friday, 5 June 2015

ASU Undie Run No More

It was a sad April this year. So sad that I have only just been able to write about it.

There was no ASU Undie Run. An institution that has been running (pun intended) since the bygone days of 2008 and has risen in numbers to a staggering 20,000 students raising 4 tons of clothing and 1.5 tones of clothes (and the temperature of a few fathers) is gone.

Let us respect the passing with a moment's silence.

So not writing until May? What was all that about? Well, I guess I was hoping for a last minute reprieve. A  moment of clarity from the student body to either inject some cash to get the runners naked and going. Or even a spontaneous running of underwear clad co-eds through the campus.

Alas there was none. Well, it is ASU, there were naked co-eds running through the campus, but not 20,000 of them raising money for charity. May is fading into June and we shall have to console ourselves with whatever scandal ASU has got lined up for us this summer.

In the meantime some memories:

When it looks like audition day at Legirls I can't imagine why the authorities did not want to support the event. Let's hope some ASU parties got some coverage in the wake of this absence to our internet surfing calender.

Is the picture below from a previous ASU undie run?

Not at all. However, in my defense, they are a group of half naked Australians.Maybe not ASU college kids, but a great looking bunch of half naked men.

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