Friday, 19 June 2015

World Naked Bike Ride: Cambridge, UK

We may have lost our ASU Undie run, but the Brits are going all in (or maybe all out) with naked bike this Saturday. Cambridge, the usually respectable University town in the east, is hosting the Word Naked Bike Ride event. Other cities have also be hosting. On a recent naked bike ride in another part of England, an over-excited man banned from the ride. We should be able to expect more of that.

There is no registration necessary, just get undressed and hit the saddle, although not too hard, you are naked after all. You then follow the seven mile route around the town. Simple.

It is a 'bare as you dare' event. So you don't have to strip down, but if you didn't what would be the point of calling it a naked bike ride?

What about the police you say? Well it is not an offense to out be out naked. It might be considered inappropriate in certain situations but it only against the law if you are looking to intentionally causing distress. Good to know for my next trip to jolly old England.

Youtube doesn't like nudity, but Vimeo is ok with it, so try this for a look at last year's Brighton Naked Bike Ride.

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