Friday, 1 April 2016

April Fools and Porn

First a disclaimer, we are not affiliated with any paying porn sites so we have no stake in any sites you might want to visit.

We do, however, have something to say about April Fools and Porn sites.

April Fools. Everyone seems to be having a go online this year. Newspapers are doing, even Kath Kitson is doing it. But when a porn site has a go suddenly its not ok. Well, we are supporting the troops and coming out in favor of porn sites to it is not only ok, its is great.

If you visit video porn sites regularly (of course we do, did you read the adult agreement on the way in) you might have noticed that Pornhub became Cornhub for April Fools. If you missed it, check out the screen shots.

We think porn and erotica is pretty serious stuff, but it's also fun and if it can't be playful then you are too serious. Pornhub, we salute you and appreciate the lighter side of porn. (If you haven't read the titles have a look, our favorite is 'Huge group of kernels takes buttery load'). Now, back to watching porn.

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