Monday, 21 April 2014

Ashley's Sleepover: Extract

Read the latest Delinquent Cheerleader Confession: Ashley's Sleepover.

Ashley is frustrated by all the half naked girls she sees in the locker room. She has the hits for jay about every cheerleader but is not sure about making the first move until Tara starts getting fresh with a pack if marshmallows. 

Read an extract of Ashley's Sleepover:

“Aren’t you having any?” she said, her face had the look of an injured puppy. “I know, you want me to feed you, but you don’t know where my hands have been.” She split open the bag and put her head into the soft pile of small sugary pillows. When she lifted up her head she was holding a marshmallow between her teeth.
“Go on,” she taunted with a full mouth. “Take it.”
What could do?
I moved closer, shifting forward on the bed. She was looking at me and as I started to move towards her lips, she closed her eyes. I placed my lips round the edge of the marshmallow. I could feel her warm breath, a sweet combination of sugar, peach and the sharp tang of the wine cooler. I didn’t take the marshmallow from her for a couple of seconds. I gripped the candy with my mouth, the sugary taste on my tongue as it started to dissolve slightly. I moved my lips forward with the intention of holding the soft white candy between my teeth. My lips pushed into her lips as my teeth gripped the marshmallow. The moment seemed to last indefinitely as I was lost the uncertainty of what was going to happen.
She bit the marshmallow and we are kissing with half a marshmallow in each of our mouths. She slid one hand round my neck, the other round my waist and pulled me closer.

Find out what Ashley and Tara get up to in Ashley’s Sleepover. Now available at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords and other ebook retailers.

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