Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Meet the Squad: Ashley

Fenton University Cheerleader Profile
Meet Ashley

Name: Ashley
Hometown: Janesville, Wisconsin.
Year in College: Senior
Major: Fashion
Minor: Women’s Studies

Eyes: Hazel.
Height: 5’4’’
Hair: Mousey brown.

Athletic experience: All-girls high school tennis doubles. 
The best part about being a cheerleader: Spending time with the other girls. The girls give you a real sense of friendship. I guess spending all that time training, practicing and in the locker room is going to do that!
The most challenging part about being a cheerleader: Finding time for boys.

Movie: Anything with Angelina Jolie.
Music: K.D.Lang
TV show: Girls.
Restaurant: Cheesecake Factory.
Item of clothing: Pjs.
Workout:  Pilates.
Celebrity: Did I mention Angelina Jolie already?
Cartoon character: Powerpuff Girls.
Phone app: Give a kiss
Book: Anything by Sarah Waters or Ann Bannon.

Reason for studying at Fenton University: The combination of fashion and women studies. I can study women, mind and body.
Your highlight from Fenton University: Being in the company of so many amazing girlfriends.
Your proudest moment at Fenton University: When the cheerleaders shunned boyfriends and went to the spring formal together.
Advice for Fenton University applicant: Open yourself to all the opportunities of university

Hobbies:  Sleepovers, fashion and everything sweet.
Dream job: Fashion designer.
Dream vacation: Backpacking across Europe with a couple of my bffs.
Future plans: Starting my own label.

Random fact: I’m the sleepover queen. No one throws a sleepover like me.
One thing most people would be surprised to learn is...I have a large collection of Dorothy L. Sayers mystery novels.
Five words that describe you: conciliatory, bashful, rousing, sugary, patient.
Quote to live by: “Don’t make fashion own you, you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live.” Versace.

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