Thursday, 31 July 2014

Delinquent Review: Stripped of His Gender

Erotica Review: Stripped of His Gender (Stripped Series Book 1) by Anita Mandalay

Anthony is your classic ex-jock, arrogant, big-man-on-campus asshole (I think I might have dated him). James is the calm and in charge guy running the company (I see him in expensive suits sipping champagne). When these two meet the tension is high and one of them is getting their balls chopped off. Well, not literally chopped off, it’s not one of those stories, but one of them is going to be missing balls at the end of the story. Let me explain…

When the subtitles of the story includes ‘reluctant gender transformation’ and ‘forced feminization’ it’s not really a spoiler to suggest that one of those guys isn’t going to be a guy for very long (if you want to know who, read the excerpt, if not skip straight to the story).

The transformation of a guy into a girl was oddly believable, but that is probably because it was immediately followed by great sex. Mandalay has really packed it into this story, just as a couple of guys really pack it get the idea. The sex covers all the bases and a little more. The pace is good. The details get you hot and deliver.

The elevator scene rocked. And I really mean that, the elevator was probably rocking with three guys offering up a large helping of submission to Annie (your feminized guy--and that is a guy made into a girl). What the scene amounts to (and there was a fair bit of mounting) is three guys and a girl, except the girl was, but no longer is a guy. Messed up, yes. Full-on, hot and heavy hetro sex, also yes.

Book 2 has already been published, which means you can get a second helping of Anthony and James to satisfy your appetite.

Get Stripped of His Gender (and other Anita Mandalay stories) here on Amazon US or Amazon UK.   Catch up with Anita Mandalay on Twitter @Mandalaypress or head over to her Goodreads page.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Delinquent Review: Hide and Seek

Erotica Review: Hide and Seek (The Kink Between Us Book 1) by Felicity Brandon

“If there was any doubt about how low I’ll stoop to get my kicks, the amusement on your face is the edge I need to push me over the precipice.”

She is running and you are chasing. As the reader you take the dominant role chasing after the submissive narrator of this kinky story. First, she hides under the billiard table waiting for your inevitable arrival.

The story takes an interesting approach letting the submissive narrator describe to you, her dominant partner, everything that happens. And a good deal happens. The initial tension is good as we wait for her to be found. When he picks up the snooker cue (I had to look it up, it is basically a billiard cue) you have to wonder what might have happened (or what might happen in other stories). The bondage is good. Lots of leather, collars and chains. The sex is hot and the delayed orgasm great.

It is well worth hunting this one down. There is a good measure of kink, some hot sex and a billiards table. What more can you ask for?

Get Hide and Seek (and other Felicity Brandon stories) here on Amazon US or Amazon UK. Catch up with Felicity Brandon on Twitter @FelicityBrandon, head over to her Goodreads page or check out the website.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Smashwords Summer Sale--25 and 50% off

Great savings on a all Delinquent Cheerleader Confessions at the Smashwords Summer sale.

Get 50% off Ashley’s Sleepover and Misty Showers with the Quarterback with code: SSW50.

There is even 25% off Lisa Goes all the Way for an A with code: SSW25.

For even better savings get all three Delinquent Cheerleader Confessions in the collected volume 1 edition with an extra 25% off using the code SSW25.

And if you are looking for a quick thrill at no cost, just pick up Penalties in the Locker Room for absolutely nothing. Who can say better than that?

Get your downloads to ensure that you have a hot and steamy summer.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Prudence's Punishment: Extract

Prudence heads home for an unexpected visit and gets an unexpected surprise when her step-daddy comes home to find her messing around with her step-brother. 

Read an extract of the soon to be released next installment of Delinquent Cheerleader Confessions.  

“Don’t you worry,” I told him. “I won’t be botherin’ you.” I started walking towards the door and he grabbed my arm.
“Which is even worse,” he said quietly. “You end up somewhere, God knows where doing God knows what causing your mama all different kinds of worry and I’ll be the one who ends up having to pick up the pieces.”
“Well fuck you,” I said.
 “Now this is exactly what I’m talking about,” he said. The look on his face was angry. “You don’t listen to a damn word I’ve been saying. You ain’t listening to anything anybody is trying to say to you. If it weren’t for your mother, I’d have beaten two tons of shit outta you.”
“No,” I said, looking him in the eye. “You ain’t done nothing because you’re a pussy.”
I started to move towards the door thinking he would let go of my arm and instead he turned me around, sat down on the bed and pulled me over his lap. Now I was still naked and the cigarette was still in my hand. Before I’ve even had time to realize what had happened, his hand came crashing down on my ass with a God Almighty smack. The force of it pushed me forward with shock and I almost dropped my cigarette.
He had his feet braced against the floor and one arm across my lower back holding me in a tight grip. His hand rained down smack after smack across my ass cheeks. The rising heat across my cheeks felt like waves of pleasurable stings. I heard myself yelp as he continued his onslaught with slaps following quickly, one after the other. His hand moved from one cheek to next spreading the ache across my ass and making me feel increasingly tender. I squirmed under his grip which only seemed to make him hold me tighter and spank me harder.
He stopped and his grip loosened slightly. The cigarette had gone out and I had dropped it to the floor. My hands were pressing against the carpet, steadying me against his assault on my ass.
I was in no state to take advantage of his release and ended up more focused on as his hand as it smoothed over my throbbing cheeks in an enjoyable sensation. His hand began with a vigorous rubbing of my cheeks that became a smoother careful stroking of my ass. His hand began rolling large circles over the scope of my cheeks. The vigorous strokes slowed and became tender caresses. His hand traveled down to the crease of my ass and towards my inner thigh. As he gripped my thigh, the burning sensation of my ass was joined with a tingling through my already aroused pussy. The movement of his hand on my thigh made it obvious to me that I was slick and excited. I can only imagine what he looked over my sore ass towards my thighs. With his hand lingering on my thigh, there was no way he could have not seen how excited I was.

Delinquent Cheerleader Confession Bundle available in all your favorite formats at:
Amazon US, Amazon UK (and all other Amazon sites), Smashwords

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Four cheerleader confessions collected together

Four cheerleader confessions collected together.

In Penalties in the Locker Room, Christie is uncovering secrets about the Fenton University Cheerleading Squad. Brittany has a late night meeting that involves ropes and strap-ons. Watch out for the corset wearing dom, she’s got a surprise in store for Brittany.
In Misty Showers with the Quarterback, Misty, the captain of the cheerleaders, is looking for scrub down after a heavy workout. When she sneaks into the boy’s locker-room wearing a towel, mules and a peppy smile, she gets more than she expects in the form of a big hunk of athlete.
In Ashley’s Sleepover, Ashley is having a difficult time in the locker room—everything she sees is turning her on. Everything changes when Tara wants some alone time with Ashley. After practice, the two girls head back to Ashley’s for a sleepover. It looks like Tara has ideas of her own that involve marshmallows and are guaranteed to give Ashley the night of her life.
In Lisa Goes all the Way to Get an A, Lisa is in for a shock when she turns up for her midterm and realizes she is completely unprepared. An impulsive decision and some quick thinking by Lisa means her hot professor is in for a treat.
Available in all your favorite formats at:
Amazon US, Amazon UK (and all other Amazon sites), Smashwords