Thursday, 31 July 2014

Delinquent Review: Stripped of His Gender

Erotica Review: Stripped of His Gender (Stripped Series Book 1) by Anita Mandalay

Anthony is your classic ex-jock, arrogant, big-man-on-campus asshole (I think I might have dated him). James is the calm and in charge guy running the company (I see him in expensive suits sipping champagne). When these two meet the tension is high and one of them is getting their balls chopped off. Well, not literally chopped off, it’s not one of those stories, but one of them is going to be missing balls at the end of the story. Let me explain…

When the subtitles of the story includes ‘reluctant gender transformation’ and ‘forced feminization’ it’s not really a spoiler to suggest that one of those guys isn’t going to be a guy for very long (if you want to know who, read the excerpt, if not skip straight to the story).

The transformation of a guy into a girl was oddly believable, but that is probably because it was immediately followed by great sex. Mandalay has really packed it into this story, just as a couple of guys really pack it get the idea. The sex covers all the bases and a little more. The pace is good. The details get you hot and deliver.

The elevator scene rocked. And I really mean that, the elevator was probably rocking with three guys offering up a large helping of submission to Annie (your feminized guy--and that is a guy made into a girl). What the scene amounts to (and there was a fair bit of mounting) is three guys and a girl, except the girl was, but no longer is a guy. Messed up, yes. Full-on, hot and heavy hetro sex, also yes.

Book 2 has already been published, which means you can get a second helping of Anthony and James to satisfy your appetite.

Get Stripped of His Gender (and other Anita Mandalay stories) here on Amazon US or Amazon UK.   Catch up with Anita Mandalay on Twitter @Mandalaypress or head over to her Goodreads page.

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