Sunday, 27 July 2014

Delinquent Review: Hide and Seek

Erotica Review: Hide and Seek (The Kink Between Us Book 1) by Felicity Brandon

“If there was any doubt about how low I’ll stoop to get my kicks, the amusement on your face is the edge I need to push me over the precipice.”

She is running and you are chasing. As the reader you take the dominant role chasing after the submissive narrator of this kinky story. First, she hides under the billiard table waiting for your inevitable arrival.

The story takes an interesting approach letting the submissive narrator describe to you, her dominant partner, everything that happens. And a good deal happens. The initial tension is good as we wait for her to be found. When he picks up the snooker cue (I had to look it up, it is basically a billiard cue) you have to wonder what might have happened (or what might happen in other stories). The bondage is good. Lots of leather, collars and chains. The sex is hot and the delayed orgasm great.

It is well worth hunting this one down. There is a good measure of kink, some hot sex and a billiards table. What more can you ask for?

Get Hide and Seek (and other Felicity Brandon stories) here on Amazon US or Amazon UK. Catch up with Felicity Brandon on Twitter @FelicityBrandon, head over to her Goodreads page or check out the website.

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