Sunday, 21 June 2015

Prudence's Punishment Extract 2

Happy Father's Day!

Prudence likes sex with well-built footballers and is anything but discreet. When she heads home for an unexpected visit to the trailer park and starts playing too close to home with her step-brother, her step-daddy has something to say. Except, he doesn’t draw the line at talking.  Prudence’s step-daddy believes in corporal punishment and has alternative methods of showing Prudence the error of her ways.

Prudence likes sex with well-built footballers and is anything but discreet. When she heads home for an unexpected visit to the trailer park and starts playing too close to home with her step-brother, her step-daddy has something to say. Except, he doesn’t draw the line at talking.  Prudence’s step-daddy believes in corporal punishment and has alternative methods of showing Prudence the error of her ways. - See more at:
Prudence likes sex with well-built footballers and is anything but discreet. When she heads home for an unexpected visit to the trailer park and starts playing too close to home with her step-brother, her step-daddy has something to say. Except, he doesn’t draw the line at talking.  Prudence’s step-daddy believes in corporal punishment and has alternative methods of showing Prudence the error of her ways. - See more at:

At the door, I drop my shorts and lose the tank top leaving me to head to the kitchen in my wedges to get a beer, except there’s no beer in the fridge. I should have known something was up right then. My mama always has the fridge stocked for my step-daddy. He comes straight home, pulls himself a beer and takes up residence on the porch. But I’m thinking about my swim in the lake so I don’t give it too much thought. Instead I head round to Tyler’s room. He’s my step-brother and he usually has a beer or two in his mini-fridge. He’s still in high school even though he is technically older than me. He got held back a couple of times and my Step-daddy has a real hard-on about him getting his high school diploma. I don’t see why, Tyler’s just going to join my step-daddy in his salvage firm.
As I head round to Tyler’s room, I can hear some chick asking to be fucked. She is literally saying “Fuck me.” I started to wonder if he has a girl round. I was really quiet as I peep into his room. He has his bed by the door, so I was pretty confident I could peep round and see what’s happening. Except when I looked, all I saw was the beer sitting on his dresser.
“You’ve got all the beer,” I said completely ignoring the fact that he has his pants pulled down and is jerking off. “You little weasel. Daddy’ll beat your ass when he gets home.”
“Prudence,” he says. He was so surprised to see me he jumps straight off his bed. Now I noticed that he’s gone and got himself a TV and he’s watching porn, ‘cause the girl’s voice is still asking to be fucked. He was standing against the wardrobe with his dick in his hand and his pants round his ankles.
I go to grab one of those beers and he managed to swipe them first. I was probably a little distracted by the porn on the TV. As I remember, this guy had this girl on her back and was holding her legs above her head. He’s given her a good lickin’ and now, still holdin’ her by her ankles, he’s giving her the full treatment. When I looked up at Tyler, he’s standing there dick one hand and six pack of beers in the other watching the porn along with me.  

Prudence’s Punishment is available at Amazon US, Amazon UK and Smashwords.

World Naked Bike Ride: Cambridge, UK Update

Having drawn everyone's attention to the Naked Bike Ride in Cambridge England, I feel it is my duty to report back. Unfortunatley, I was unable to make the transatlantic trip and spent the day in sunny Florida. Which was clearly a stark contrast to the English rain of Cambridge. However, the internet has been a helpful aid in my search for the delinquent and the naked.

It was a rainy day for the collected naked bike riders of Cambridge.  A collection that looked more old professor than 20 something undergraduate, a fact that surprised me. Where are all the adventurous twenty-somethings looking for risky escapades or recognition of environmental issues. Because isn't that the real reason people are getting naked? No really, I'm asking. I was drawn in at naked.

The rather waterlogged, generally middle aged bike riders looked a little forlorn. As for the collected crowds. Well, once it started raining everyone but the hardy bike riders disappeared. Before it started raining there was a Mardi Gras feeling without the excitements, just the dubious looking men with cameras taking pictures of old men without clothes on.

So in the spirit of what we might have expected, here are naked people with bikes that did not turn up to Cambridge.

I love the cheeks on the last guy. Not so much purple briefs to his left.

Friday, 19 June 2015

World Naked Bike Ride: Cambridge, UK

We may have lost our ASU Undie run, but the Brits are going all in (or maybe all out) with naked bike this Saturday. Cambridge, the usually respectable University town in the east, is hosting the Word Naked Bike Ride event. Other cities have also be hosting. On a recent naked bike ride in another part of England, an over-excited man banned from the ride. We should be able to expect more of that.

There is no registration necessary, just get undressed and hit the saddle, although not too hard, you are naked after all. You then follow the seven mile route around the town. Simple.

It is a 'bare as you dare' event. So you don't have to strip down, but if you didn't what would be the point of calling it a naked bike ride?

What about the police you say? Well it is not an offense to out be out naked. It might be considered inappropriate in certain situations but it only against the law if you are looking to intentionally causing distress. Good to know for my next trip to jolly old England.

Youtube doesn't like nudity, but Vimeo is ok with it, so try this for a look at last year's Brighton Naked Bike Ride.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Nudity Causes Earthquakes...and that's not a metaphor

A Brit, a Dutchman and a couple of Canadians were sentenced to three days in prison for taking nude pictures of themselves on a mountain in Malaysia. On the island of Borneo, up Mount Kan-u-blow, I mean Mount Kinabalu, a couple of backpackers got naked. Who hasn’t? Isn’t that why people go backpacking to get naked in strange places?

Well apparently not in Malaysia. It can be a conversation country, but the problem is fairly soon afterwards there was an earthquake (June 5th) that killed 18 people. The official cause of the earthquake has not been officially made, but Sabah State Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Pairin Kitingan, seems to think that the mountain spirits were angered by the nudity which may have caused the earthquake.

Backpackers rule #1: don’t be angering mountain spirits.

Where are these nude pictures? Hell if I know. Probably deleted by Malaysian authorities.

So instead I give you the naked photography of Spencer Tunick.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Agent Provocateur with Pleasure and Pain Heels

Agent Provocateur is your high end provider of lingerie. They are all about skimpy, black, high heels and riding crops. So when they get together with the Victoria and Albert Museum in London things are happening. Specifically what is happening is the Pleasure Pain Exhibition. How can you not love it with a name like that?

The exhibition contains over 250 pairs of shoes (my mouth is watering). Last year we were checking out the Brooklyn Museum Killer Heels exhibition. Now London is getting in on the action and we have an all out bitch fight with heels.
Brooklyn Museum

The Victorian and Albert Exhibition starts today (13th June 2015).

Head over to the Victoria and Albert Instgram page or the Pleasure and Pain homepage and if you are luck enough to be in London, check out the real thing.

For the rest of us, we'll have to content ourselves with an Agent Provocateur video and you can also get the free pleasure and pain cheerleader story (here you go my UK lovelies, one for you too).

Friday, 12 June 2015

Father's Day: Give Him a Treat

Sunday, June 21st. This year it will be Father's Day.

Prudence and her step-daddy are having a few problems. He has come home to find her playing around with her step-brother and he is not standing for any more of this girl's wild behavior. So, he is going to

Read an extract here.

Buy your copy here (or here if you are in the UK).

Let's hope you aren't having problems with your daddy. If you are a dude looking to bond with dad, why not send him a copy of Prudence's Punishment or any of the Delinquent Cheerleaders. Talking about cheerleaders over a beer, what could be more of a father/son moment?

If you are daddy's little girl, I think this is one to read in private.

Treat your daddy right or things might get a little racy....

Friday, 5 June 2015

ASU Undie Run No More

It was a sad April this year. So sad that I have only just been able to write about it.

There was no ASU Undie Run. An institution that has been running (pun intended) since the bygone days of 2008 and has risen in numbers to a staggering 20,000 students raising 4 tons of clothing and 1.5 tones of clothes (and the temperature of a few fathers) is gone.

Let us respect the passing with a moment's silence.

So not writing until May? What was all that about? Well, I guess I was hoping for a last minute reprieve. A  moment of clarity from the student body to either inject some cash to get the runners naked and going. Or even a spontaneous running of underwear clad co-eds through the campus.

Alas there was none. Well, it is ASU, there were naked co-eds running through the campus, but not 20,000 of them raising money for charity. May is fading into June and we shall have to console ourselves with whatever scandal ASU has got lined up for us this summer.

In the meantime some memories:

When it looks like audition day at Legirls I can't imagine why the authorities did not want to support the event. Let's hope some ASU parties got some coverage in the wake of this absence to our internet surfing calender.

Is the picture below from a previous ASU undie run?

Not at all. However, in my defense, they are a group of half naked Australians.Maybe not ASU college kids, but a great looking bunch of half naked men.