This is rough and ready erotica bordering on the brutal Coyote Rose (love the name by the way) manages to add an element of sensitivity to the situation. Now don't get me wrong, bad things happen to Chiltern. Just some if those bad things are a little sexy. Chiltern gets a kick out if it and there is even the sense that she learns about herself as a result.
Backwoods Bound is not for you lovers of paranormal romance. If you go into the woods these backwoods men will give you a surprise and if you read this story get ready for some nasty sex.
Get it here on Amazon US or Amazon UK. Catch up with Coyote Rose at Buttonfly Books.
Get it here on Amazon US or Amazon UK. Catch up with 01society on Twitter @007mjo or check out the website with lots of dirty stories. - See more at: http://delinquentcheerleaders.blogspot.co.uk/2014_05_01_archive.html#sthash.fDXW9tuc.dpuf
Get it here on Amazon US or Amazon UK. Catch up with 01society on Twitter @007mjo or check out the website with lots of dirty stories. - See more at: http://delinquentcheerleaders.blogspot.co.uk/2014_05_01_archive.html#sthash.fDXW9tuc.dpuf
Get it here on Amazon US or Amazon UK. Catch up with Coyote Rose at Buttonfly Books.
Get it here on Amazon US or Amazon UK. Catch up with 01society on Twitter @007mjo or check out the website with lots of dirty stories. - See more at: http://delinquentcheerleaders.blogspot.co.uk/2014_05_01_archive.html#sthash.fDXW9tuc.dpuf