I know, I know October 31st comes as a surprise to us all, but here it is with its demand for adult dress-up. You can do it any day of the year, but somehow Halloween makes it ok. Wiat a minute. Isn't Halloween tomorrow?
Yes it is, which means there is not time to wait six weeks for your costume to be posted from Hong Kong. So, here is you run down of last minutes sexy Halloween costumes, because if you are going to dress-up you better make is sexy (unless kids are involved).

Playboy Bunny
Sexy factor: Playboy might not be publishing nude pictures, but the bunnies are still sexy.What you need: black swimsuit or bikini, black fishnets, heels and bunny ears.
Risky Business
Sexy Factor: Apart from running around in your underwear, there is the whole having sex on a train element. Sex on train not recommended, unless you are having a great night and can get rid of the tramp.What you need: A white shirt, socks, sunglasses and underwear.
Sexy Factor: Go proper Dukes of Hazard or don't tie that shirt so tight. The choice is yours. Go wild on the range or get yourself a good cow poke. What you need: Denim shorts, white or check shirt, cowboy hat and boots.
Eighties Workout
Sexy Factor: Go as risky as you dare. It is time to bring out that g-string body if you dare. It is time to get physical.What you need: leg warmers, work out gear in bright colors.
Victoria Secret Model
Sexy Factor: Be the joy of every young boy casting sideways looks into the store in the mall and all those men who are still a little embarrassed and slightly excited to go in there.What you need: An underwear set, heels, wings, a Victorian secret bag (I got to keep my phone somewhere).
Sexy Factor: Take your pick. Be the submissive schoolgirl that needs to be punished or the sexy Milf dealing out a little punishment with the ruler.What you need: A white shirt, short skirt, heels. Got any glasses?
50 Shades of Grey
Sexy Factor: Err, there was a book. I think it was sexy. I don't remember.What you need: Takes this one literally and wear different shades of grey or get a grey tie and pull out those handcuffs and blindfold for special occasions. You can decide what to do with the Ben Wa balls.
What is our favorite? Isn't it the same as always? You bet...
Sexy Factor: Hello, what is the point of a cheerleader if she isn't sexy?What you need: a cheerleader costume or a pair of pompoms and a lots of cheering.