Monday, 28 April 2014

Delinquent Cheerleader Sighting: Prudence

Prudence was seen cutting out after cheerleading practice. She was not heading to Debbie's Bar with the other girls. She was seen in her car driving out towards Gator Swamp Trailer Park. Heading home for a quick visit? Reports are unconfirmed. Prudence was believed to be on poor terms with her mama, step-daddy and step-brother.

We wouldn't expect a happy home coming. We did get word that when she climbed into her car she got comfortable as only Prudence shedding shirt and shorts. Our big question...was she wearing panties?

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Meet the Squad: Ashley

Fenton University Cheerleader Profile
Meet Ashley

Name: Ashley
Hometown: Janesville, Wisconsin.
Year in College: Senior
Major: Fashion
Minor: Women’s Studies

Eyes: Hazel.
Height: 5’4’’
Hair: Mousey brown.

Athletic experience: All-girls high school tennis doubles. 
The best part about being a cheerleader: Spending time with the other girls. The girls give you a real sense of friendship. I guess spending all that time training, practicing and in the locker room is going to do that!
The most challenging part about being a cheerleader: Finding time for boys.

Movie: Anything with Angelina Jolie.
Music: K.D.Lang
TV show: Girls.
Restaurant: Cheesecake Factory.
Item of clothing: Pjs.
Workout:  Pilates.
Celebrity: Did I mention Angelina Jolie already?
Cartoon character: Powerpuff Girls.
Phone app: Give a kiss
Book: Anything by Sarah Waters or Ann Bannon.

Reason for studying at Fenton University: The combination of fashion and women studies. I can study women, mind and body.
Your highlight from Fenton University: Being in the company of so many amazing girlfriends.
Your proudest moment at Fenton University: When the cheerleaders shunned boyfriends and went to the spring formal together.
Advice for Fenton University applicant: Open yourself to all the opportunities of university

Hobbies:  Sleepovers, fashion and everything sweet.
Dream job: Fashion designer.
Dream vacation: Backpacking across Europe with a couple of my bffs.
Future plans: Starting my own label.

Random fact: I’m the sleepover queen. No one throws a sleepover like me.
One thing most people would be surprised to learn is...I have a large collection of Dorothy L. Sayers mystery novels.
Five words that describe you: conciliatory, bashful, rousing, sugary, patient.
Quote to live by: “Don’t make fashion own you, you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live.” Versace.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Ashley's Sleepover: Extract

Read the latest Delinquent Cheerleader Confession: Ashley's Sleepover.

Ashley is frustrated by all the half naked girls she sees in the locker room. She has the hits for jay about every cheerleader but is not sure about making the first move until Tara starts getting fresh with a pack if marshmallows. 

Read an extract of Ashley's Sleepover:

“Aren’t you having any?” she said, her face had the look of an injured puppy. “I know, you want me to feed you, but you don’t know where my hands have been.” She split open the bag and put her head into the soft pile of small sugary pillows. When she lifted up her head she was holding a marshmallow between her teeth.
“Go on,” she taunted with a full mouth. “Take it.”
What could do?
I moved closer, shifting forward on the bed. She was looking at me and as I started to move towards her lips, she closed her eyes. I placed my lips round the edge of the marshmallow. I could feel her warm breath, a sweet combination of sugar, peach and the sharp tang of the wine cooler. I didn’t take the marshmallow from her for a couple of seconds. I gripped the candy with my mouth, the sugary taste on my tongue as it started to dissolve slightly. I moved my lips forward with the intention of holding the soft white candy between my teeth. My lips pushed into her lips as my teeth gripped the marshmallow. The moment seemed to last indefinitely as I was lost the uncertainty of what was going to happen.
She bit the marshmallow and we are kissing with half a marshmallow in each of our mouths. She slid one hand round my neck, the other round my waist and pulled me closer.

Find out what Ashley and Tara get up to in Ashley’s Sleepover. Now available at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords and other ebook retailers.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Misty Showers with the Quarterback: Banned Cover

The cover for Misty Showers with the Quarterback has been deemed inappropriate for Apple. As a result, the original cover will still be available at Amazon US, Amazon UK and all other Amazon stores, while a second cover will be used with Apple, Smashwords and all other ebook sellers.

All hail our internet overlords.

The new cover for Apple.
The banned cover (still available at Amazon)

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Misty Showers with the Quarterback

Misty Showers with the QuarterbackThe Cheerleaders of Fenton University have been bad and now they are being made to confess everything. One by one, the cheerleaders describe in their own words what they have been getting up to and with whom. Read all about each cheerleader’s dirty little sex secrets. Who they are doing and how they are getting done. Where they are going and what they have done to whom.

The confessions should be keeping the delinquent cheerleaders in check, except the coach has disappeared and no one is keeping track.

Warning: Delinquent Cheerleader Confessions contains explicit bitching about other cheerleaders and an awful lot of sex. All characters are 18 years old and doing things you shouldn’t do and definitely shouldn’t talk about. All situations are consensual acts of a whole lot of fun that they don’t want other people to know about. Any resemblance to individuals living or dead is more than a little strange, but really, you shouldn’t take it too seriously. It’s just a story.

In Misty Showers with the Quarterback, Misty, the captain of the cheerleaders, is looking for scrub down after a heavy workout. When she sneaks into the boy’s locker-room wearing a towel, mules and a peppy smile, she gets more than she expects in the form of a big hunk of athlete.

Now available at Amazon US, Amazon UK and Smashwords.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders "Fantasy" Swimsuit Lip Sync

Already racking up over 200,000 hits on Youtube, the Miami Dolphin Cheerleaders released their swimsuit lip sync for the year. It's a Fantasy, Calvin Harris, Good Vibration and Spice Girl mash-up. Really Spice Girls? How juvenile do they think we are? Ok don't answer that.

What did we think? It was good, but somehow the 2012 Call Me Maybe was better.

If you haven't seen this already you are missing out. If you have seen it already does it not demand another watch?

If you watched it as many times as us (of the 19 million hits racked up on youtube since June 2012 we might have accounted for a few) you'll start to notice that not all cheerleaders are made equal. Some are cute (we're talking about the short haired blonde), some really work it (blonde on the beach at the beginning), some have a great pair (you there standing on the grass) some have got pole dancing experience (yes we are talking about you dirty blonde in the beach hut--I've got a 20 if you've got the time).

Hey, does anybody know their names?

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

2014 Hottest NFL Cheerleaders

Taking all the hard work out of surfing for hot cheerleaders, our good friends at Viral Trap have put together the Top Ten Hottest NFL Cheerleaders of 2014.

Sean Grahams is really earning his living with his top ten hottest series. I mean, how can you go wrong?

Number one in his hottest cheerleaders was a little bit of a let down, seemed like Sean picked the team rather than the girl. But good to see Florida teams get some great representation with a tasty selection of girls.

Who is your favorite?

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Cheerleader Scandals: Dating a Cheerleader or Two...

After divorcing his wife, Chris Cooley of the Washington Redskins (also known as Captain Chaos) started dating a Redskins cheerleader. A no-no for players. (I wonder if it's all employees or just the players who can't date the cheerleaders?)

Cooley dates his first cheerleader for a while and then dumps her. Stud Cooley then goes and starts dating a different cheerleader, Christy Oglevee. No wait, Cooley hadn't quite finished dating the first cheerleader before he started dating the second. To add insult to injury, it was the first cheerleader who introduced him to Oglevee.

Both cheerleaders got sacked, but only Oglevee got to tie the knot with Cooley. Well, for four years until they got divorced.

Cooley has his own blog where he 'accidentally' posted a picture of his own penis. Yeah, real accidental Chris. But he also spends time discussing pottery and his top ten hottest Olympians.

Looks like he's in the market for his next sporting partner.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Cheerleader Scandals: Caitlin Davis

She was blonde, she was sassy but when she pranked a drunken friend and posted it on Facebook, she was canned.

Caitlin Davis, previously of the New England Patriots Cheerleading Squad, was dropped . Apparently drawing penises on a drunken friend was ok, it was the swastikas that led to her demise. Might be a good idea to add that little gem to the cheerleader handbook.

Check out some other Cheerleader Scandals:
ASU and Tuskegee Cheerleader Catfight
Texas Fab 5 make Girls Gone Wild Video

Dating a Cheerleader or Maybe Two